Sunday, May 16, 2010

Population Decline - Chapter 31

I think it was Jonah who presented this topic and it really amazed me about some of the things that go on in the world because of the population. In the world today, the population is decreasing because of a couple key factors: population is decreasing in world powers, and women are having less children then they used to. Today, the population in third world countries are at a steady incline. This blows my mind because it seems like they would be the ones who wouldn't be able to afford to keep children around. To me, it just doesn't add up why someone would want to bring a child in to a third world country. I know it is a beautiful thing to have children, but to have them grow up in an environment that isn't safe, where water is bad, and maybe there would be a war/conflict going on, is not a good thing to have children grow up in.
After WWII was over, all the soldiers came home and had a bunch of children together with their spouses. These children are called baby boomers. Families were made up of 6-8 children. Now that they are getting older, they are starting to die off, and they didn't have as many children as their parents did so this leads to a decrease in population.

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