Friday, May 14, 2010

Bridge at Givenry, Claude Monet - Chapter 28

This is another favorite painting of mine. It's another realistic painting that is easy on the eyes. I like that there is nothing to analyze because the painting is so simple. All the painting is is a bridge with brush around it and it's worth millions of dollars. I'm not saying that it's simple to paint this, because it is most definitely is not, but I am saying that this is a simple painting because if you can draw a bridge and brush around it then you could possibly get a lot of money if it's a good painting. I think a lot of people like this painting because it reminds them of a peaceful countryside where there's no worries about anything. I think this is why Monet painted this because in the Age of Anxiety, there was a lot of worries and this could have helped societies minds to relax.

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