Sunday, April 4, 2010

Trenches - Chapter 27

It was during class that Maz popped a picture up on her powerpoint and she said "Why are these trenches in zig-zags?" I replied so that if a plane were to drop a bomb onto a part of the trench, it wouldn't blow up as much people. A couple other classmates said that it was incase an enemy comes into the trenches and starts shooting, they wouldn't kill a whole lot of people because of the bends in the trenches. Maz told us all that these are all valid points. I like the idea of trenches if the troops didn't have to live in them for so long. With the troops living in the trenches came trench foot; a bacteria build up on the foot that deforms the features of feet. I think this is why in WWII troops dug out holes in the ground called foxholes and they moved from foxhole to foxhole with three to four troops in a foxhole. This way if a retreat is needed and they are getting fired upon, the troops can get up out of a foxhole, retreat four or five feet and get down in another foxhole for cover.

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